2013年1月21日 星期一


嗯, 很特別的今年台科比高中國中小還慢放假且同時開學
今早考完了最後兩科期末考, 於是寒假到了

就來簡述一下這學期的點滴, 定個 做不到 計劃

平凡普通, 小有挫折的一學期, 有3點比較特別的事:
1. 迎新活動(長庚護校), 老樣子, 沒交到妹
2. 國中補習班打工, 賺了點錢買3DS XD
3. 期中考其差無比

我依然是很認真也很快樂的在學習, 尤其是資料結構與計算機網路
課本看的津津有味, 也寫了不少實作練習的程式
(以及興趣寫的貪食蛇, mark/note web

但不知怎地, 我的離散, 數位邏輯與網路期中考非常不理想
如此的認真卻沒有相對的分數, 雖然不是很在意那帳面分, 還是頗幹

Damn it! 送他啦!

(班上有老老實實地啃text book, 加上實作coding的 真的屈指可數, 何況有(些人總是找網路解答參考, 十分不齒

而為了彌補數位邏輯實習那慘不忍睹的低分, 也留校努力的作實習課的
verilog加分題(電子琴, by the way, verilog sucks!)

1/1跨年那晚, 招幾個朋友與我弟打wii, 瑪俐歐, 玩到4點多.

大概這樣子, 乏善可陳.

寒假一個月, 不長, 但荒廢是件很恐怖的事
三日不讀書則面目可憎, 因此我想讀兩本書
1. APUE, 讀起來不至於艱澀乏味, 一步步踏實地了解"作業系統"
2. 槍砲病菌與鋼鐵, 已看完了, 純粹想重看一次

而且還要把這學期網路課本的第四章(Network Layer)還有DS的Hashing先看完.

程式部份, 繼續寫我的marknote web, 順便學學 jQuery 與 js

遊戲則要把兩片薩爾達DS(沙漏, 火車)和DQV破完


簡單的列幾項to do, 應該都能確實做到 (不然寒假還能幹嘛呢?

2012年11月14日 星期三


現在大二上學期 過了一半, 覺得台科大真是夠棒的, 校風十分自由
雖然 還不如前四名大學的程度, 但是我仍然十分以此校為榮.
這學期, 四堂專業必修課
分別是:資料結構(Data Structures), 離散數學(Discrete Mathematics),
計算機網路概論(Computer Networking), 數位邏輯設計(Digital Design)

2012年10月31日 星期三


31, October

成年了, 是獨當一面的年紀 不會再有監護人的設置與束縛
酸甜苦辣 喜怒哀樂 不一而足

我 媽 弟 某貓 四人一同去西堤吃了牛排

然後很不要臉的跟某貓要了生日禮物 --- New Super Mario bros 2 (3ds)

人生二十年 一輩子裡 最燦爛輝煌 的一頁才剛要開始
倒是要感謝我的爸媽 以及兄弟麻吉們 的包容關懷
沒有他們 不會有今天的我

Do appreciate them, sincerely.

頗惋惜 造化弄人, 但這就是人生, 命中註定的 沒辦法


將相本無種, 男兒當自強
以此 期勉自己


2012年10月7日 星期日

So busy in Oct.

Damn, take a look on my google calender in October,
There's pile of thins on that.
Almost every weekend has important event to do, squeeze my time used to study (Yap, STUDY

First, run the activity for testing details.
Second, the activity three days in a row, I even need to skip class that I absolutely don't want.
Third, Samsung jogging at 7:00 gather in front of city hall. (I'd like to receive the sport shirt.
Forth, TOEIC

WOE, subject of this semester is much new for me such like discrete and computer network,
I spend lot of time to ''read'' the textbook
(textbook of discrete is unkind, you can't find out what is the key point, the example question and explanation are totally in the same text of paragraph. This book is whole mess and shit.
Data structure I have learned by myself though, there's many difficult topic or code that I skipped or still don't digest before (There's great amount of errata in textbook.

No matter what, it's pretty busy but a good life.

2012年9月30日 星期日

Nintendo must change in the end.

Not so long ago, Nintendo has announced that 3DS Taiwan version will have regional lockout from Japan. It means buying 3DS which is authority  of Taiwan can only play the game which is also  authority.

Damn it. There's far fewer resource, either games or services than Japan or USA.
If anyone who has bought 3DS(Japan) already wants to play game which is Chinese has to buy 3DS of Taiwan version.
Woe, poor Taiwan...

To be honest, Nintendo is always much more enclosed than others, it's no problems when they have such repository (well-known characters, interesting game designs, not many hardware competitors),
but the portable game market has been decreasing since 2010 because of the ''apps'' from smartphone and tablet, moreover, it lost $461.2 million in fiscal 2011, how terrible.

New hardware wii U will be sold soon, though, the blight of market and U isn't better than PS3/360 are still keep Nintendo pain in the ass.
It will(must) change their policy and strategy or they would fall from the dominant position in the end.

2012年9月26日 星期三

Grow? It does.

Recently I get a part-time job, it's the ''assistant teacher'' in cram school, students in this class are first or second  grade junior high. All I need to do is check their ''contact book'' and homework, also make them Be quite.

Sound easy, but it's NOT!!

Always the same process,
check, remind , order, and the last, shout.
I can't believe the people who are already 14,15-year-old, about being a half-adult, don't have self-denial or can't be calm down ''at all".They keep noisy chatting
And hardly understand why they can behave so idiot and talk like fools (I mean the words slipped from their mouth has no logic or meaningless).

But I realize it gradually.
What I think that they looks like moron is because I have grown, I has transformed and become steady, contained mature, knowing what I can do, what I should do.
That means most of people who were used to be in this age were also doing such immature shits, the damn stage of adolescence (though I am certain that I was not so rebellious or stupid at that time.

So, will they be so hateful, break the rules often forever?
No I don't think so, but they must pass this step finally, they will grow to be mature, experienced, and wise like us.   : ^)