2012年10月31日 星期三


31, October

成年了, 是獨當一面的年紀 不會再有監護人的設置與束縛
酸甜苦辣 喜怒哀樂 不一而足

我 媽 弟 某貓 四人一同去西堤吃了牛排

然後很不要臉的跟某貓要了生日禮物 --- New Super Mario bros 2 (3ds)

人生二十年 一輩子裡 最燦爛輝煌 的一頁才剛要開始
倒是要感謝我的爸媽 以及兄弟麻吉們 的包容關懷
沒有他們 不會有今天的我

Do appreciate them, sincerely.

頗惋惜 造化弄人, 但這就是人生, 命中註定的 沒辦法


將相本無種, 男兒當自強
以此 期勉自己


2012年10月7日 星期日

So busy in Oct.

Damn, take a look on my google calender in October,
There's pile of thins on that.
Almost every weekend has important event to do, squeeze my time used to study (Yap, STUDY

First, run the activity for testing details.
Second, the activity three days in a row, I even need to skip class that I absolutely don't want.
Third, Samsung jogging at 7:00 gather in front of city hall. (I'd like to receive the sport shirt.
Forth, TOEIC

WOE, subject of this semester is much new for me such like discrete and computer network,
I spend lot of time to ''read'' the textbook
(textbook of discrete is unkind, you can't find out what is the key point, the example question and explanation are totally in the same text of paragraph. This book is whole mess and shit.
Data structure I have learned by myself though, there's many difficult topic or code that I skipped or still don't digest before (There's great amount of errata in textbook.

No matter what, it's pretty busy but a good life.